有冇人有harry potter5既英文簡介?!!!

2007-08-07 7:41 pm
有冇人有harry potter5既英文簡介?!!!

回答 (2)

2007-08-07 7:56 pm
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Harry Porter, glory kidness ·Wesley with exquisite ·space orchid the hero became Hogwarts sorcery and witchcraft college of grade five get.The sorcery teacher society hasn't been realizing Harry and Hogwarts a principal don't think ·is disadvantageous to have another say, Fo ground's being evil has already replied his strength.Because they trusted the sorcery minister Kang Ni to stay Si ·man son through what prophet newspaper say, the Harry and disadvantage loves the bedlamite of lying mostly.The man son specified a new Hogwarts a black sorcery defence method a teacher-peach happy silk ·kidness not the mile reside, kidness not mile the order which reside to make use of a sorcery department slowly control Hogwarts. The Harry, glory kidness doesn't like kidness with exquisite from the first not a mile to reside, because she refuses to let them discuss the thing that the concerning Fo ground is evil back, and she didn't give the student the full practice curriculum.Therefore, many disadvantageous troopses in established, an underground organization which acts against kidness not a mile to reside rules, take Harry as a teacher?Teach other 27 sorcery defence methods with black classmate, the in order to prevent encounters Fo ground an evil attack.And this the Harry and his friends also sent to ascend use on sorcery department and Fo ground evil combat finally.

哈利波特、榮恩·衛斯理與妙麗·格蘭傑成了霍格華茲魔法與巫術學院的五年級生。巫師社會一直不去理會哈利與霍格華茲校長阿不思·鄧不利多所說的,佛地魔已經回復他的力量了。因為他們信任了魔法部長康尼留斯·夫子透過預言家日報所說的,哈利與鄧不利多是愛說謊的瘋子。夫子指定了一位新的霍格華茲黑魔法防禦術老師-桃樂絲·恩不里居,恩不里居慢慢的利用魔法部的命令掌握霍格華茲。 哈利、榮恩與妙麗從一開始就不喜歡恩不里居,因為她拒絕讓他們討論關於佛地魔回來的事情,而且她並沒有給學生充分的練習課程。因此,鄧不利多的軍隊成立了,一個違反恩不里居規矩的地下組織,以哈利為老師敎授其它27位同學黑魔法防禦術,以免遭到佛地魔的攻擊。而這在最後哈利與他的朋友們在魔法部與佛地魔的戰鬥上也派上了用場。
2007-08-07 7:50 pm
Synopsis : As his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry approaches, 15-year-old Harry Potter is in full-blown adolescence, complete with regular outbursts of rage, a nearly debilitating crush, and the blooming of a powerful sense of rebellion. It's been yet another infuriating and boring summer with the despicable Dursleys, this time with minimal contact from our hero's non-Muggle friends from school. Harry is feeling especially edgy at the lack of news from the magic world, wondering when the freshly revived evil Lord Voldemort will strike. Returning to Hogwarts will be a relief--or will it?


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