關於美國大學transfer 問題 10分

2007-08-07 11:04 am
我諗我今年會拎到green card 去美國



我想問唔受transfer 既意思係咩?
2.定只係唔可以transfer D credit

回答 (1)

2007-08-08 10:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
u have green card, so u can apply for Financial Aid in the CC. But most of the states in America, u have to live in that city/state for one year to receive the money from finacial aid. To receive financial aid, u have to file for tax return if u do work, or if ur parents work, or u have someone to support u,..... so be ready for that!! ok,lets go back to the question:

1. If u graduate from the CC, u can apply for any 4 years college, all u have to do is to fill out an application of the 4 yrs college that u want to go.

If u mean transfer, i guess you want to study in a 4 yrs collge after u get some college credits from the CC. Usually if u want to transfer from CC to 4 yrs college, u must have a certain amount of credits from the CC. Each college may vary a little bit. The CC that i studied, students have to earn about 20 credits b4 they can transfer with their CC credits and study in a 4 yrs college.

2. usually u can have the credits transfer to the 4 yrs college, but every college has their rules. The 4 yrs college decide how many, what credits they want to accept from ur CC. However, u will lose some credits when u transfer. ex. When i transfer from a CC to a 4 yrs college, i lost about 20 credits. Because the 4 yrs college think that they are a senior college, so usually they dont accept ALL the credits from your CC. But if u transfer to a private college, then they may have their own rules too....please do more research on this!

3. a CC usually requires u to study about 60 credits,(sometimes 65 credits, depends on the major) then u will be able to graduate. and a 4 yrs college will require u to study about 120 credits. So you ask: how do we take so many credits??

alright, there are 2 semesters, and a summer in a school year, which are Fall, Spring, and summer (for summer, u can take class, or have a break, up to u) So u can take 15 credits in Fall, 15 credits in Spring, then u will have 30 credits in a year. so in 2 yrs, u will have 60 credits. (only if u dont fail any classes)

if u think that is too much, then take 12 credits each semester, and take courses in summer. then u also can finish 60 credits within 2 years. again only if u didnt fail any classes. So did that answer ur question?

Usually, taking 12 credits and above in a semester is considered as a full time student, and can receive full financial aid. If u want to take 11 credits or below, u will be a part time student, and u will receive less money to cover ur tuition. so be aware with that!!

2007-08-08 05:11:09 補充:
every college has a transfer department, you can go there for clear and up date info.
參考: i studied in a CC and transferred to a 4 yrs college in new york

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