English Assessment Test for English Teacher

2007-08-07 7:22 am
I would like to ask whether I will be at any disadvantage in the following situation if I want to work as a English teacher

-1) I have a Bachelor Degree in Finance (business) from the U.S and will have PGDE in Business

-2) I pass English Assessment Test for English Teacher.

Because my degree and PGED are not related to English, I am afraid that I wont be able to work as a English teacher.

回答 (2)

2007-08-07 7:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You need to fulfill the following requirement if you want to a teacher of English:

1: Subject Knowledge( English): That means you need to hold a degree or above qualification related to English Subject. In your case, you have two choices to fulfill this requirment: First, you may study one more degree in English ; second, you may study a program to fulfill your subject knowledge (PGSK).

2. Education Diploma: That means PGDE in English, not other subjects.

Actually I am in the same situation as yours. Holding a business degree but want to teach English. You have to recognise it is a long long term commitment to be an English teacher in your case. Once you make up your mind, you should prepare to spend serveral years studying the relevant subjects . Good Luck!!

For more information, visit http://www.edb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeID=685&langno=2
2007-08-07 7:27 am
Perhaps you can work as a teacher teaching Business Studies in an EMI school

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