
2007-08-07 6:56 am
我老板早1,2個月分咗幾次拎咗公司的錢入落佢自己current a/c, 但最近佢同我講轉返入dividend a/c...我想問我係咪應該 DR dividend Cr current a/c 定係要改返哂之前入既voucher入落dividend a/c , 係咪兩者做法都ok?我想問有限公司老板拎dividend係咪唔駛考慮公司有幾多盈利?
另外, 我老板話如果公司唔夠錢佢先再轉返錢比公司, 咁條entry應該點做ar??


回答 (2)

2007-08-07 10:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Need to reverse the entries.
2. Normally, it's the shareholder tol agree the dividnend distribution in GM.
3. Debit Bank a/c Credit yr boss current a/c as loan to the company OR
Debit Bank a/c Credit yr boss capital a/c as yr boss capital investment.

Be careful the a/c entries for Limited company.
Tell your boss stop it if he is wrong.
Ask your accounting firm for help if you're not sure anything.
2007-08-08 12:06 am
Dividend 係要有盈利,先至可以拎嘅, 如果係loss 咗幾年嘅,今年先至賺番,o甘仲要睇可唔可cover到之前所loss嘅。如果仲未cover到,你不如提議你老闆暫緩改呢條entry先。
如果真係已經好多盈利,亦唔使轉返條entry, 你要問佢要分幾多dividend, 然後成個amount DR Dividend CR current a/c 就 OK 啦! 記得要做番張 minutes filing 喎!

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