係澳洲讀完foundation 可唔可以轉番香港讀醫療科目

2007-08-07 2:47 am
我今年F.7畢業,但offer得唔好,所以去澳洲讀foundation.我想問apply H.K.啲U 係唔係要經non jupas?幾月可apply?係唔係一定要讀完整個foundation 先可以apply?
最後,如果係australia讀year 1/2,可唔可以以插班生番嚟讀?(e.g medicine , physiotherapy) and how to apply??
Thank you

回答 (1)

2007-08-08 4:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
apply through non-jupas but if you have recent F7 result they will look at your ALresult
non-jupas application is usually for australian student with year 12 public exam result or uni graduates, not uni fundation student
最後,如果係australia讀year 1/2,可唔可以以插班生番嚟讀?No, you need to finish your uni course first and then apply
for medicine you need to do a science course first eg. Bachelor of Science, must obtain first class honour and try to apply. If accept you will start with MBBS year 1
參考: obtain BSc in aus studying MBBS in hk

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