Agnes B Bag...True or not??? Answer me, please!!

2007-08-07 2:02 am
Is this Agnes b Bage true or not?
Did you buy one from this seller?

Thank you for your answering! !

回答 (1)

2007-08-07 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
the bag is surely a counterfeit.

first and foremost, please look at the self-introduction of the seller.

「最後講多一次~誰有買家再問:以個袋係真定假!or問其他真假問題.本公司係會立即除消你交易!謝絕任何問真假問題!只可以答全日本運來!有質數嚴格保証~~如果你係嚴平嚴真假請你去專門店,本公司沒福收你既錢! 」

obviously, he sells a fake Agnes B bag.

Also, the original price of this Agnes B bag is sold at about HKD$1,480 in Hong Kong. it is impossible to sell the bag in such low price, otherwise, he will suffer a great loss. the only explanation is that the bag is fake!

agnes b 袋冇可能咁平, $450.
參考: own

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