For the abortion(Urgent)

2007-08-07 1:17 am
Work overseas and go to doct is pregnant for 5 weeks...not to keep but doctor say cannot(this country not accept).Due to finance,decide not to keep.Try call fam and plan asso in hk but saying so protective,seems cannot do it.Since know that more safe if do earlier,somebody help to suggest any advice urgently?can take pills(as heard RXXX) in early stage?it's quite far away to go back to HK,is Singapore accept to go there for abortion?will go back to HK if no choice but want to do it asap

回答 (1)

2007-08-11 8:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Personally I believe you should come back HKG, make appointment to FamPlan for further examination, and discuss with Doc about your suitation, and hopefully they will give you good advice, sincce they will not say anything at phone to protect themself...... although RXXX may help but not recommanded due to strong side effects,.......
Give some info for you from FamPlan, about abortion law............................
According to Section 47 of the Offences Against the Person Ordinance, termination of pregnancy (abortion) requires 2 registered medical practitioners to concur that:

continuing the pregnancy would involve risk to the life of the pregnant woman or of injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman, greater than if the pregnancy were terminated; or

there is substantial risk that if the engld were born, it would suffer from physical or mental abnormality as to be seriously handicapped; or

the woman is pregnant before attaining the age of 16; or

the woman is the victim of incest, rape, drug rape, intercourse by threats, or intercourse by false pretences, and has made a report to the police within 3 months after the date of such offences.
The decision of terminating the pregnancy is never easy. Certain factors (including the financial situation, psychological factors including emotion feelings) a woman needs to think before she decides to keep the baby or not. For instance, would she feel guilty to have the abortion if she treasures the fetus as a human life? If she wants to keep the baby, could she handle the financial difficulties to raise the engld on her own? All these factors are of course, NOT bound by the law. However, once the woman decides to have abortion, she MUST obey the law and her situation should fulfill the above-said conditions. "Foreseeable / significant danger to the pregnant woman" can be in two aspects - physical danger OR harm to mental health. The woman could still apply abortion even though pregnancy does not involve risk to her physical health, if two doctors have assessed the reason of not suitable for continuing the pregnancy is based on the danger in her mental health aspect.
Also, abortion must not be performed after the 24th week of pregnancy, unless the abortion is absolutely necessary for saving the pregnant woman's life. It must be performed in government specified hospitals or the operating theatres of the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong, and by registered doctors. You can contact our hotline for more info: 2572-2222.
參考: From FamPlan website

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