縮細 EXCEL 的 Size

2007-08-07 12:49 am
我有個 Excel file 有10M 大,但內面其實只有10多個Worksheet, 每次copy & paste 都很慢, 有咩方法可以將個file 整細d? Thanks.

回答 (3)

2007-08-07 2:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
My suggestion as follows:

Check every worksheet.
For every worksheet, open it and click the top left box (which means select all fields).
Click (Format), then (Column), then (Autofit).
(The record fields would contract to their best-width sizes).
You can do the same action for the (Row) but the effect is comparatively smaller than (Column).

Also, one of the more advanced techniques:
For records which have some very wide fields, if their quantity is small (e.g. just 1% of the total), specify an optimistic width and do (wrap text) for the cells of these particular records. (That will prevent the other records without such width from still occupying the widest width as them).

See if the file size can be made smaller.

I have tried my best to help you.
2007-08-10 7:13 pm
5將sheet都可以好大, 因為一將sheet其實就已經可以放好多野, 我試個一將sheet都未用盡就有幾Meg喇.

妳應該review一下係咪真係要將咁多野放晒落一個Excel file入面, 而唔可以分開幾個file囉.
file大, 就一定會慢.

試下唔好用咁多formula, 因為幾side位.

試下將妳data以外的地方, (最低下面同最右右面) select左去, 然後delete cells.

仲有啊, 點解"每次copy & paste" ?
參考: give me 10 bugs !!
2007-08-07 1:20 am

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