最佳答案[20 點] 工作表現的年度評估 急

2007-08-07 12:25 am

我見完我的上司, 佢樣樣野都覺得我OK, 有責任心,
但評分方面又唔肯俾中上級, 只俾中下級我.

我雖然工作表現未到卓越級, 但想請問咩REASON人地會俾分高DD.

得到的結果其實做成點都無用. 我個無良上司就話在你工作崗位上做得 超好 只不過是 應份 的 你再有額外的優點或其他的功勞, 其實只不過是你 多管閑事

回答 (2)

2007-08-08 7:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
if the grading system is say A to E where A is excellent B is very good C is good D is below average E is poor
then are all your gradings being rated at C grade 中級 ?
are there any areas you got B grade or D grade ?
you need to check it again (not just by feeling or impression).

I would give staff B grade on areas that they perform better than expected. Only those with outstanding achievements, than everybody else, would get a A grade.

hope this helps and explains.....

### others pls do not copy my reply
2007-08-10 6:15 am
答非所問, 仲話叫人唔好抄你答案? 不知所謂

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