math problem derivative

2007-08-06 7:58 pm
i don't know how to do this problem, plz help!!!

what is the derivative of


plz show me the process, thx

回答 (2)

2007-08-07 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
By logarithm differentiation,
let y=[sin(x)]^x,
then ln y = x ln sin(x)

differentiating both sides,
1/y(dy/dx) = ln sin(x) + x[1/sin(x)]cos(x)
dy/dx = [ln sin(x) + x(cos(x)/sin(x)]y
dy/dx = [ln sin(x) + xcot(x)][sin(x)]^x
2007-08-06 10:50 pm
d/dx ((sinx)^x)
=(d/d(sinx))((sinx)^x) * d/dx(sinx)
=(x(sinx))^(x-1) * cosx
參考: myself

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