如果酒店的訂位full左, 係咪仲有得walk in架?

2007-08-06 7:08 pm
我諗住去酒店食buffet, 但d booking full晒
有冇做開酒店o既話我聽....可唔可以walk in去??

回答 (2)

2007-08-06 7:50 pm
有部份酒店餐廳可能會接受walk-in, 但我相信大部份都不會接受walk-in, 尤其是大時大節. 其實fully booked, 可以waiting list的, 我曾經試過.
參考: 個人經驗
2007-08-06 7:15 pm
Normally yes, most hotels reserve some rooms for walk in customers who will be charged at a much higher rate than that obtained through advance booking.
However, better not to take this risk because,
1) you will be paying more money
2) there is still a chance that the hotel is real full

Hope it helps

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