
2007-08-06 5:41 pm
我想問讀聖心工商管理文憑 or 城大工商管理文憑好d?
邊間升大學可以容易d?如果升唔到 出黎搵野做 邊間又會好d?

另外,商專既秘書課程 同以上2間既課程 讀咩好?


回答 (2)

2007-08-07 4:44 am
CityU program should be much better.

CityU has much better learning facilities and resources. They can offer more top-up programs, or you may proceed to other programs in CityU as well.

I'm sure most employers know CityU much better than the other one.

Good luck.
2007-08-06 7:06 pm
第一, 基本上城大資源多些; 第二, 將來銜接城大學位課程有"優先取錄"的優勢.
就算出黎搵野做, 僱主都覺得城大畢業生較具資歷.

2007-08-09 08:37:06 補充:
在下城大工商管理學士, 現在城大工商管理研究生.

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