
2007-08-06 5:41 pm
我而家得13years old
而家就係澳洲既 阿得雷德
搭國 thai 番 hk
而我就係第一次係阿得雷德搭番 hk

希望您地可以講d入境程序關於阿得雷德& 轉機!!
thx !!!
[好急架,,星期三 8/8 就走架啦!!!]

回答 (2)

2007-08-07 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Check in at cathay pacific counter located at level 2 at adelaide international airport
2. go through X rays check at the same level
3. turn left and you will see the passport control area (immigration department) and show them your passport
4. go the the specific gate and get ready for boarding
5. flying time is 1 hours , then arrived melbourne
6. you will have the option to stay in the aircraft and wait for 1 hour OR you can go to the transit area in melbourne and shop around for 1 hour ( if go decided to go to transit area you need to bring the hand luggages with you and remember to take a transit card. you need to go to the boarding gate at a specific time to go back to the same aircraft)
7. Fly another 8 hours and you will arrive in hk
參考: live in adelaide and travel on CX before
2007-08-06 8:41 pm
澳洲的入境程序十分簡單, 但檢查就十分嚴格

飛機到達機場後, 泊好, 乘客便可取回手提行李落機 (跟大隊啦)
落機後, 跟大隊, 先會經過移民局 (Immigration)
移民局官員可能會問你幾個簡單問題, 例如去澳洲做咩, 停留幾耐等等, 之後他會在 passport 蓋印, 你就可以離開 counter 去取回行李
搵返自己班機的行李 belt, 取回行李, 跟住去海關排隊
請 check 清楚自己有沒有東西需要報關 (例如任何食物 !!) 如有, 請排紅色, 如沒有, 就排綠色
海關人員會取回你於航機上填的申報書, 然後用 X 光或人手檢查行李. 如沒有問題, 你便可以過關, 離開禁區出閘
恭喜, 你已經到達澳洲了
你的航機. 回程時是從阿德雷德出發, 中途停留墨爾本約 2 小時, 你是不需要落機. 只需乖乖的坐在座位上, 等待飛機再起飛便可以了

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