
2007-08-06 5:31 pm

回答 (3)

2007-08-06 8:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 果100個單位係佢一開始會比你...但係你要靠球員升值earn $$..佢5會再比額外ge100個單位你

2007-08-07 13:20:56 補充:
例你用14.23個單位買van persie...佢一週之後升值到14.77咁你咪earn左 $$ lor~~但相反佢跌價你就5見左$$ ga la~
2007-08-07 4:28 am
no. they let you see the next opponent is because some players play better against specific teams and it might be a good chance to buy them, example, c.ronaldo may probably play poor against chelsea but very strong against wigan.

the $100 is free for you to buy your wanted players, you cannot spend over that amount even if your players value rises later on. but you also dont have to send all of the $100.

參考: me
2007-08-06 5:37 pm
no you only have 100 and you need to sell player and than change the other within 100 value

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