No sound output. Help!!

2007-08-06 4:46 pm
No sound output in my desktop Windows XP computer. It is an onboard (Motherboard model: Intel 865GLC) using SoundMax 4.0 Driver. I have already tried the following methods but still FAIL :

- Speakers tested in other PC is normal;
- SoundMax driver 4.0 re-installed;
- SoundMax driver updated to 5.0;
- Buy a new PCI sound card & installed.

Please help!!

- Motherboard model should be Intel D865GLC - Windows XP Traditional Chinese Home Edition Service Pack 2 - New PCI sound card was now removed and resumed Bios configuration to enable Onboard Audio. When play AVI file by Windows Media Player: Video normal but without sound output.


- All controls on Speaker related or Default device are grey in colour and cannot be selected or changed. - PC Speaker output for Windows alarm is normal.

回答 (2)

2007-08-06 8:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先有冇裝喇吧? 如果有, check吓desktop 上喇吧icon(在Window右下角timer側), 睇吓setting有冇變(有時上完網後setting會變咗细声/冇声). 推返高setting就OK. 如果兩樣都唔係, 你嘅on-board sound card 可能有事. 試試先!

2007-08-16 7:58 am
If bios enabled ONBOARD AUDIO and you install the driver properly , the SOUND CHIPS on the motherboard is burnt

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 19:46:56
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