
2007-08-06 8:42 am

回答 (4)

2007-08-08 9:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-08-11 5:10 am
I feel sorry for the others comments! They are very narrow minded, Everyone in Europe knows that J. Clarkson only like British cars, all the French and other manufacturers are rubbish. As an engineer, some Korean Cars are well constructed and good looking!
2007-08-06 11:36 pm
It sounds like a idiot to buy that Koreans, the people and the magazines told you guys it is good caused by one reason, it is cheap, it is cheap, but you have to think about few things,
Look at the styling, it is not cool at all, and it can be say as ugly in tonnes of human carrier, and we look at the engine, in a 2.7 litres V6 engine produces same amount as a 2.4-2.5 L4 Engine, it is quite unreasonable...

So If you are really want to buy a human carier, i think you better look at higher price or get a second hand one...
參考: Top Gear - jeremy Clarkson's Cool Wall, My opinion
2007-08-06 8:58 pm

再說韓國車,我有個朋友既老豆試過貪平買韓國車,用左4年要維修,但搵吾倒零件,加上維修貴,最後選擇 '湯' 左佢,一了百了。所以......Ai!

2007-08-08 22:54:02 補充:
Mine is better!

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