Passive voice

2007-08-06 6:37 am
the sentence being captured on newspaper

A couple appeared in Kwun Tong Court yesterday charged with ill-treating their four-year-old daughter, who allegedly choked to death on a bun this week.

I believe some the sentences should be in passive voice and i re-wirte as follow, please comment .
A couple appeared in Kwun Tong Court yesterday WAS charged with ill-treating their four-year-old daughter, who allegedly WAS choked to death on a bun this week.

回答 (2)

2007-08-06 6:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The main verb of this sentence is "appeared". So, "charged with ill-treating their four-year-old daughter" is an adverbial clause and you're right that it is in passive form. But since it is an adverbial clause, only the past participle "charged" is needed. There is no need to include the verb-to-be "are". The sentence is originally correct. You don't need to rewrite it.

"Appear in court" means to attend a court as a defendant. You can check out the meaning in Yahoo Dictionary:

2007-08-06 6:42 am
佢雖然冇寫was 出來, 但佢係passive voice 來ga, 有d sentences 唔使寫出來都知係passive voice

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