問英文 文章 唔該晒~

2007-08-06 5:52 am

題目: The weather you like

我大約想答以下: (可以幫我加d)


回答 (2)

2007-08-06 6:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are four season in Hong Kong,winter is the most that i like in this four season which is not very hot and cold. I most do not like the day which has rains.The majority of time in Autumn all cannot rain. The weather of Autumn are dry which are don't look like moist of the spring.
參考: ME
2007-08-06 7:19 am
There are four seasons in Hong Kong. I like Autumn the most because it won't be too hot and too cold. I hate rainy days. Autumn in Hong Kong is always dry and has less rain. It dosen't like Spring with a high humidity all the day.
參考: Myself

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