can't login MSN

2007-08-06 5:37 am
I have a MSN account for serveral years ago. Every time I login its HOTMAIL, MESSENGER and SPACES, I save my ID in my computer, and type my password correctly, I even save my passwrod on MESSENGER. Since last Friday, I've used the same way to login MSN, but there have been a window said my account and password are not exist or incorrect. What should I do? Please tell me in Chinese. Thanks.

Error code: 80048823

回答 (2)

2007-08-06 6:11 am
有可能係你的msn 帳號被人盜用了,且更改了密碼 (好有可能)
或者msn 伺服器出錯了(可能性不大)
建議你使用 "忘記密碼" ,睇下可唔可以重設番,
如果唔得, 就只有重新註冊一個帳號lu...
參考: me
2007-08-06 5:41 am
參考: me

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