soccer and football

2007-08-06 3:39 am
soccer and football有什麼分別??

回答 (3)

2007-08-06 6:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案

呢個係我印象中記得既分別,如果有錯,請改正 ^^
2007-08-06 6:01 pm
soccer, can be called football, the ball in the game is round, I believe six players in a team, just like the world cup every four years.

American football, the ball is a shape of oval, totally different rules, 13 players in a team. It is a very violent game.
2007-08-06 5:45 am
soccer - 加拿大同美國人叫soccer足球.

football - 英國人+香港人叫football足球.

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