浮羅交怡 / 馬爾代夫 ??

2007-08-06 3:30 am
正在plan 去浮羅交怡 / 馬爾代夫.......有乜好提意? ?

回答 (3)

2007-08-06 9:54 pm
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我既好提議係出年過咗 monsoon season (mid of feb) 先去.

Especially if u dont get to travel a lot.
I guess you wont want to take the chance going there but it's raining. (You can't really do anything if it rains)

Maldives is really expensive. It's not worth going in their monsoon season.

Go Langkawi if you are really going in September. At least you can visit some other places if it rains.

Resort 真係唔洗介紹, 一分錢一分貨. 你計左budget先再揀酒店.

And also I dont think it's worth to go on budget airlines. It didn't really save much after those taxes and service charges and u need to travel all the way to macau. U waste so much time in transit.
2007-08-06 6:51 pm
兩者都是Sun and Beach. 但是我覺得 Maldives 是一生人應該去一次, 需然是貴了一點, 但如果你是喜愛 Sun and Beach, 你會覺得很美麗, 如一張Postcard.
2007-08-06 10:59 am
那麼就是看你的 budget 啦!講靚講貴,一定是馬爾代夫啦!浮羅交怡會平些,但如果住貴的酒店,就.....。有直航機或在吉隆坡轉機。

澳門有間 budget airline 由澳門飛 馬爾代夫,較一般由香港飛但要轉機的 airlines 優勝。

去馬來西亞的丁加奴樂浪島Redang Island 及Perhentian Island (麼麼茶島sammi)也不錯,不過一定要轉機。沙巴也不錯。(你可參考我剛回覆 Malaysia 主題的答覆,budget airline好平)

去浮羅交怡,出海之餘,還可以周圍玩,食海鮮及很多當地美食,還可以遊島。去馬爾代夫 stay 在 hotel enjoy 陽光與海灘 (不會走來走去)

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