
2007-08-06 2:55 am

回答 (3)

2007-08-06 3:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cheap, glamorous and perfect

An evening party in Karaoke Lounge

Entrance fees: $50 (including canned beer or a can of coke and also cup noodles )

Welcome any individuals, confidants or groups to join our birthday party

The maximum capacity is 60 persons. If you book the entire lounge, discounts are given to you. Let's enjoy it to the fullest extent!
參考: 自己
2007-08-08 12:08 am
平!靚!正!-----Even! Dresses up! !

卡拉ok晚會----Kara ok party

入場費:$50(包罐裝啤酒或汽水1罐,包杯麵1個)---Admission: $50 (package of canned beer or soft drink 1 pot, Bao Peimien 1)

歡迎個人,三五知己,生日派對或團體光臨---Welcome individual, three, five friends, birthday party or association presence

可容納60人,包場特平---May hold 60 people, reserves all seats for a performance especially evenly
2007-08-07 4:00 am
Even! Dresses up! ! Kara ok party admission: $50 (a package of canned beer or soft drink 1 pot, Bao Peimien 1) welcome individual, 35 friends, the birthday party or the association presence may hold 60 people, reserves all seats for a performance especially evenly

2007-08-08 09:15:30 補充:
5 好抄我呀
參考: me

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