
2007-08-05 11:35 pm
4年一度的奧運將於2008年8月在北京舉行. 屆時,來自二百零三個不同國家的運動員和無數的市民將到北京參加或觀看比賽.可是最近,有報章報導一般北京市民的英語水平仍然偏低,而市內的一些英語告示更錯百出.幸好,北京奧會將招募十萬名擅長外語的義工接待外賓,否則不少遊客將在語言溝通上出現大問題

回答 (4)

2007-08-05 11:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Olympics, four years once, will be hold in August 2008 at Beijing. Althetes from 203 countries and milions of audiences will arrive Beijing to participate and enjoy the competitions. However, there was an article reported the low English level of Beijing citizens, some English signs in the city were wrong in wordings. Fortunately, Chinese Olympics Committee enrolled 100 thousands volunteers who are fluent in English to serve the guests from overseas, otherwise, the many visitors would have troubles on communcations.
2007-08-06 7:17 pm
The once-every-four-year's Olympic Game is going to be held in Beijing in August, 2008. When the time comes, athletes from 203 different countries and billions of people are going to join this tremendous event. However, a newspaper has reported recently that, the English level of the general public in Beijing is, still, not that satisfactory. Many English Notices in the town are full of mistakes. Fortunately, the Beijing Olympic Committee has recruited ten thousand volunteers, who can speak fluent english, to serve the guests. Otherwise, tourists in Beijing might face a serious communication problem.

P.S : In the previous solution, The Olympic game will be held once per four years on August 2008 in Peking is grammatically correct, but the meaning is wrong.
Coz it means the Olympic Game will be held, everytime, in Beijing once every four years.
參考: myself ~ hope you like it ^^
2007-08-06 4:18 am
The Olympic game will be held four times a year on August 2008 in Peking. At the time, all the athletes from 203 different countries and numerous citizens will go to Peking to participate in or watch the competitions. But recently, it is reported that the general English level of Peking citizens still tend to be low and there are many grammatical mistakes found on the English sign and notice board in the city. Fortunately, Peking Olympic Committee will recruit one hundred thousands people who are good at English to treat the foreign guests. Otherwise, there will be language communication problem occurred among most of the tourists.

2007-08-05 20:22:30 補充:
amendment:The Olympic game will be held once per four years on August 2008 in Peking.
2007-08-06 1:18 am
Once every four years, the Olympics will be held in August 2008 in Beijing held. By then, from the 203 athletes from different countries and millions of people will go to Beijing to participate in or watch the matches. But recently, a Beijing newspaper reported the general standard of English is still low, and some of the city's English 100 notices more wrong. Fortunately, the Austrian Beijing will recruit 100,000 volunteers are good at foreign languages to receive foreign guests, otherwise many visitors to the language on the big issues

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