English question

2007-08-05 9:35 pm
「我從未談戀愛」 英文點講 ?

「點解我咁講」 英文點解 ?

回答 (3)

2007-08-06 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
v_v 首先,我發覺上面幾位仁兄都將「點解我咁講」誤解左,佢地唔知點解用左『did』。

1.「我從未談戀愛」的英文係【I have never fallen in love.】

2.「點解我咁講」的英文係【Why do I say that?】------>因為沒有指明係現在式定係過去式,所以一般都用現在式。

^+^ 其實,我想問一問樓主【「點解我咁講」 英文點解 ? 】中的點解係咪打錯左,應該係點講先?

參考: My Knowledge + My Mind + English Dictionary + My Experience + Have Learned + My Common Sense
2007-08-06 5:07 pm
「我從未談戀愛」= I didn't fall in love before?

「點解我咁講」= why did I say that?
2007-08-05 9:40 pm
I have never fallen in love.

Why did I say that?

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