
2007-08-05 7:52 pm
Nowadays we are being lived in the age of information exploded,high technology,and the cultures are become more and more open.For this reason, we can survey the internet conveniently, but at the same time, we might see the things that we shouldn't see. However, pornography is now being frequently online wherever we can see,such as in the advertisment,poster and so on.And this fact is reflected how ruinous is our civilization.

回答 (2)

2007-08-05 8:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Correction 1: we (lived) as this sentence is in active voice are being lived is in passive voice
Correction 2: tense : 2 row: are (becoming) gerunds after (are)
Correction 3: wrong spelling: advertisement
Correction 4: this fact (reflects) same as 1.
Correction 5: wrong spelling for youngsters
Correction 6: enough should be added after mature
Correction 7: behaviour instead of behave (wrong part of speech)
Correction 8: beome instead of be (wrong logic)
Correction 9: in order to help youngsters view sex -->in order to help the youngsters to set a correct attitude.
Correction 10 wrong spelling for society
Correction 11 provide(s) after singular
Correction 12 toward(s) and no the word 'to'

2007-08-05 13:01:05 補充:
Correction 2: tense : 2 row: are (becoming) (present continuous tense) after (are)

2007-08-05 13:04:32 補充:
Correction 1: we (live) as this sentence is in active voice are being lived is in passive voice and present tense for Nowadays.Sorry for making some mistakes.

2007-08-05 13:05:47 補充:
Correction 11 better way :should provide for suggestion
2007-08-05 7:54 pm
OK!No problem!

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