
2007-08-05 7:18 pm
In the past , she sometime______trouble concentrating and often ______to her friends during practise . I _____her that she had to work harder . She ______to me, which is why I'm sure she 's going to do very well in the future.


回答 (3)

2007-08-05 7:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In the past , she sometime HAD trouble concentrating and often TALK to her friends during practise . I TOLD her that she had to work harder . She SMILE to me, which is why I'm sure she 's going to do very well in the future.
2007-08-06 5:46 am
In the past , she sometime HAD trouble concentrating and often TALKED to her friends during practise . I SUGGESTED her that she had to work harder . She SMILED to me, which is why I'm sure she 's going to do very well in the future.
2007-08-05 7:35 pm
In the past , she sometime= MADE= trouble concentrating and often= CHATED =to her friends during practise . I= ADVICED= her that she had to work harder . She =TOLDED= to me, which is why I'm sure she 's going to do very well in the future.

This is my answers!

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