
2007-08-05 6:48 pm

回答 (2)

2007-08-08 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
最低要求中五畢業, 五科合格(包括中英數)
唔駛讀咩課程, 因為請你就會俾training
其實間間差唔多, 香港地勤主要有四間公司:
1) 國泰 2) 港龍(HIAS) 3) 怡中(JASL) 4) MENZIE
其實間間人工差唔多, 不過國泰同港龍都可以出飛, 怡中同MENZIE就無免費機票, 最多俾你出平飛, 但要後候機位.
參考: 做咗六年都走
2007-08-09 12:52 am

問:Can someone tell me about the monthly salary of the Cathay Pacific's Customer Services Officer???? Thanks!!!!!
答:唔ot就9千幾la....ot小小加埋overnight allowance就萬一,二la... ,我試過最多萬3,差唔多到4.... 。

問:我想問下香港航空 salary 高唔高 ga? 同埋有d 咩 benefit??
答:間間公司係您初入職時人工果D都唔多架啦!我識個係Air China做Crew佢話佢剛剛做果時得3000幾蚊個月ja......! / Air china係大陸公司,高極都唔會過$10000!HX人工唔高,benefit差!

問:做地勤的基本要求? 如題,要幾高? 咩學歷? Thanks!
答:要幾高? 做地勤無話要幾高嫁bor,唔似投考FA! 學歷? CX 同HIAS 都係 F.5 WITH 5 SUBJECTS PASS ,JARDINE: F.5 ( ENG SYL B have D or above )

問:請問邊間地勤人工最高? 邊間最少ot ? 邊間最惡做 ? 邊間福利好? Thanks!

答:mainly in HK there is 3 ground handling agency...CX..HISA and JARDINE,for the over time work, I think 3 of them nearly the same. It really depands on the weather or airport outside and the manpower also, as I know that, cx is a little bit less than others.

For the hard time, some one said CX is the worst, the human relations is worse than the other two, but I just think it depands on how you treat ppl.

For the benefit, I think cx is much better, as you know, the 10% discount ticket is attractive, and cx have more choice you can go, for hias, you just can choose dragonair,

if you really want to be a cso, I suggest you to choose CX, but it is a little bit difficult to go in than hias and jardine, jardine is more easy to get in....

hope can help you~
參考: 香港討論區 - 旅遊業 Tourism Posts

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