Window Vista 點轉3D Aero玻璃視覺效果?

2007-08-05 9:01 am
我而家用緊Window Vista Basic... 但唔識點整3D Aero玻璃視覺效果......
但已經update 到最新...

仲有... 用Window Vista 係咪可以唔裝防毒都得ga??
聽人地話Vista個fire wall好勁....唔裝防毒都得,係咪既呢?

回答 (1)

2007-08-06 2:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Window Vista Basic have no 3D Aero玻璃視覺效果, only home premium, business and unlimite...... edition can use. But no 3D Aero玻璃視覺效果is not a big problem.

And about the firewall - Well I am not sure is window vista firewall stronge enough to protect the system, but I had been ask my ICT teacher, they said Vista still have a lot of security problem have not solve out yet, so you better to install the antivirus's software .

However, I am using the window vista home basic as well, I think it is enough to use, is only missing some function than home premium, overall it is a good OS.

Hope it will help you...

2007-08-06 06:47:14 補充:
sorry, it is ultimate editionspelling mistake
參考: myself and internet

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