
2007-08-05 8:35 am
我快升form7. eng妤差! 我補過amanda, 但成績依然妤差, 我想於暑期改善我eng, 可以點?

回答 (2)

2007-08-05 10:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
我同你一樣 以前英文係超差
後來試過搵名師補習 都係無用..
跟住我就試下買d grammar書黎做 就算唔做 起碼都要睇下 知道d grammar點用
2個月左右 我就變左英文科全班頭3名 都發覺自已d英文用起上黎好容易
所以如果你係好差既話 我suggest你由grammar開始 之後就oral
grammar係指例如 有人會錯用
there have some fish
正常係there are some fish
就係依一類 有d tense/conditional/preposition/article 你一但掌握哂依d 面對英文就係無問題
另外 我唔suggest你睇書
因為你基本未有就去睇書既話 就會學唔倒野
應該第一年最重要既事係溫左grammar先 係最重要
好多人就係因為一開始唔係溫grammar 而係不停睇書 聽英文歌 結果都無咩進步

2007-08-05 8:20 pm
you should be aware that if you fail in ue, then you cannot enter u wo.
I think learning english should start from daily life, such as reading english newspaper, listening to radio, typing msn in english instead of chinese. These are all ways that I adopt in learning english.

apart from that, you can also join some english class. Honestly, m,y school also has an english class. If you want to know more, you can add me and I can send the details to you and see if the course can help you.

My msn is: [email protected]

I hope the information can help you.

see you.

all the best.

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