Differentiation 2

2007-08-05 8:07 am
1. the displacement s of a particle at time t is s=2t^3.
find the velocity of the particle at t=4.
ans: 96
2. find the point on the graph of y=x^(1/2) at which the gradient of the tangent to the graph is 1/6.
ans: (9,3)

回答 (2)

2007-08-05 8:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
( 1 ) V = ds / dt = 6t2

So the velocity at t = 4,

6 ( 4 )2 = 96m /s

( 2 ) y = x1/2

dy / dx = ( 1 / 2 )x -1/2

So when the slope is 1 / 6,

( 1 / 2 )x – 1/2 = 1 / 6

x1/2 = 3

x = 9

Put x = 9 back to the equation,

y = 91/2 = 3

So the point is ( 9 , 3 ).

2007-08-05 00:16:17 補充:
For question 2, the slope is found by evaluating dy / dx.

2007-08-05 00:43:03 補充:
Sorry that for Q1, there should not be the unit m / s as the displacement is s but not s metres and the time is t but not t seconds.
參考: My Maths Knowledge
2007-08-05 8:16 am
= ds/dt
= 3(2t^2)
= 6t^2

At t=4, v = 6(4^2) = 96.

2. Gradient of the tangent to the graph is 1/6 --->
dy/dx = 1/6
1/2 * x^(-1/2) = 1/6
1 / [x^(1/2)] = 1/3
3 = x^(1/2)
x = 9

Substitute x=9 into y=x^(1/2),
y = 9^(1/2) = 3

So the point is (9,3)

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