Poll: Bagels, Croissants, Toast, French Toast, Muffins?

2007-08-05 2:27 am
Which do you prefer?

回答 (42)

2007-08-05 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
French Toast
2007-08-05 2:35 am
i love FRENCH TOAST!! haha I do it's just so yummy. I also like muffins, but only the chocolate or chocolate chip kind. And Bagels are awesome with cream cheese. But French Toast is my fave
2007-08-05 2:34 am
French toast
2007-08-05 2:33 am
2007-08-05 2:33 am
Bagels and French Toast i luv them
2007-08-05 2:32 am
French toast
2007-08-05 2:32 am
French toast
參考: French toast
2007-08-05 2:31 am
2007-08-05 2:30 am
2007-08-05 2:30 am
French Toast...

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