Have you ever made out at the movies?

2007-08-05 2:01 am
What was it like? lol...give me the details! =]

回答 (37)

2007-08-05 10:42 pm
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no but one day i will i bet when im in my 50s and ill get caught lol
2007-08-05 2:04 am
Yep. Not going into details.
2007-08-05 2:07 am
well no details, but i love the kid that i made out w/ it was fun we made out a lot then u could say we had the hots 4 each other lol :p
2007-08-05 2:06 am
yes-if you mean -had sex--it seems in america 'made out' means kissed or such like--but in australia we don't say that and if we did it would mean penetration--but no details for you -get your kicks somewhere else
2007-08-05 2:05 am
Naw i quite doing that after i was making out then the lights came up and i saw it was my grandma..........believe me you dont want the details.
2007-08-05 2:05 am
No, but I made toast one time....it was kind of hard finding a plug for the toaster, but I stole some of the popcorn butter to put on top.
參考: Martha Stewarts's Cooking Tips
2007-08-05 2:05 am
No, I never get to go to the movies. And what fun is it to make out by yourself! People in the row behind me would look at me funny!
2007-08-05 2:05 am
Well last time I was at the movies watching a movie and I sat down on a chair, a movie chair. I watched the movie and it was dark and it was loud. There was people watching the movie also. I can see people walking in the hallways. Sometimes I can here people whispering. The movie was a little cold but I managed to survive because I was drinking tea. Then the movie was over. It was a good day.
2007-08-05 2:04 am
When I was much much younger. I found it to be disrespectful to the people around me. And i enjoy actually watching the movie.
2007-08-05 2:05 am
I think I did back in 1996 at a drive-in with my ex.
It was so long I forgot really....lol. I think I did...
參考: Possibly...I think...

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