
2007-08-05 7:58 am

有冇叫咩名?? 有冇d好似903個d??

回答 (3)

2007-08-05 9:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
澳洲也有中文電台的, 比較出名的是澳洲華人電台和澳洲中文廣播電台. 但兩者都比較傾向香港電台一類什麼都有的資訊電台. 如果想聽 903 既, 你就要上網聽了
澳洲本身沒有中文電視台. 香港人大多睇鳳凰衛視, TVB 收費台, 或是裝天線碟... 但都係睇唔到 TVB 同 ATV 的... 要睇電視劇就要租帶...
2007-08-06 7:06 pm
yes to both. but you have to pay for it.
Can't remember what the name of 中文電台 is, but only know that their office is in china town, you have to buy the radio from them. My mother used to listen to it.
電視台 is TVBJ, is cable tv and the mother comany is HK TVB. It has 14 channels. Only 1 show (apart from the local news) is made in Australia, all others are either from hk, taiwan, china, korea. I am watching it now.
2007-08-05 8:01 am

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