
2007-08-05 6:37 am
我由細到大都好唔鍾意食菜, 因為成陣草青味...........

之前睇過廣告話用家樂牌雞粉抄菜, 可以辟去陣草青味喎.... 咪叫媽咪試下囉...

點之真係work喎... 好鮮好好食架喎!!! 大家不妨可以試下喎~~~

回答 (2)

2007-08-06 3:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Also add some ginger, a clove of crushed garlic, soy sauce, half tea spoon of sugar, pepper, half table spoon of rice wine and after you turned off the fire, add few drops of sesame oil before you place it on the plate.
2007-08-05 6:43 am

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