請住過 nexus 或曾經在沙巴租過車的朋友內進

2007-08-05 3:36 am
想問下各位住過 nexus gei 朋友, 由 nexus 搭的士出市區要幾錢, 因為我見有 d 人話 20 - 30 蚊馬幣, 有 d 人又話幾百蚊港幣, 咁即係幾錢 ar? 另外仲想問下 nexus 內 d 餐廳食野貴唔貴? 因為我地 13 個人 ( 8 個大人, 5 個細路 ), 唔知除左搭的士或酒店穿梭巴士外, 仲有無其他辦法出市區呢?, 例如可唔可以租架小巴車我地四圍去咁呢, 去過沙巴 gei 朋友有無好介紹 ar? 麻煩大家幫下手 la! 唔該晒!

回答 (3)

2007-08-06 3:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
我係上年10月時去過nexus, 我同我老公都覺得間resort好正, 去relax一流。
不過nexus的確比沙巴其他的resort遠離機場, 車程太約45分鐘左右差不多一個鐘, 我o個次係係康x買package, 去左5日4晚,坐馬航, 包機場<->酒店的transport, 一自助lunch& 一自助dinner; $3949。(不過而家好似冇咁正的package喇~)

Resort好靚,你不可以上佢個website睇下啦, nexus有自己6km 長的沙灘, 有泳池, 打波的球場, 有gym,有兒童玩的小型playground, 有spa, golf.....


食方面: 我有三晚都係係resort的餐廳食dinner的Olives,Kingfisher & Penyu Restaurant都ok呀, 兩個人大約都係RM190不到200, 而好似重有一間食野餐廳, bar 同pub我地都冇去喇。

附近玩的: resort有車去Lagoon Park, 好近好近, 大約5分鐘就到, o個度可以坐船睇紅樹林,捉蟹,有香蕉船,划艇,蠟染繪畫玩, 入場費唔記得喇......找唔番d單~_~不過唔貴的。玩一個下午剛剛好,帶小朋友玩都ok。
遠的:酒店有local tour可以join, 潛水呀, 睇海龜呀, 去森林呀, 行神山(我沒有去呀, 不過有小朋友都係唔好喇, 我個friend早兩個月去了, 都幾辛苦的,又遠喎)
我見意你join local tour 喇, 咁多小朋友, join tour唔洗煩麻~

行街: 沙巴最常去的就係KK Plaza, 重有一些其他的, 不過我沒有去行喇, nexus有shuttle去市區的, 我只去了KK Plaza車費係RM 24, 都係要坐太約半個鍾至45分鐘啦....唔太記得:) 食野買野都好平, 不過唔好對"市區" 抱太大期望喎, 記住你係係馬來西亞呀。我同我老公就係KK Plaza找沙爹食, 好正好平!!!!!!!

而nexus可以做SPA 的- Borneo SPA環境好正超relax !!!!!! 不過就比泰國做spa貴小小喇, package 做spa3個鍾要RM508。

你咁多人, 我諗都係坐shuttle or 自己租車啦~
2007-08-06 5:02 am
我們一家三口上年去Summar Holiday 去5days4night Nexus渡假,Nexus餐廳食野價錢OK(大約港幣60一個餸)以西餐為主. 每晚都reserve 司機送我們出去市中心食dinner.因Nexus離市中心大約30分鐘,因此一定約車出去.
2007-08-05 8:39 pm
Nexus in Karambunai is a very nice resort. My feedbacks for the resort is as follow:

1. Excellent beach - most beautiful water and plenty of water sports activites. Even horse riding as well. If I dont remember wrongly, there have about 8 horses, all very well cared for.

2. The resort rooms are of good size, rather big - good enough for a family of 2 adults and 2 kids.

3. With the size, there are plently of activies for everyone - playroom for the kids, entertainment areas for the adults.

If you are travelling with a group of 13 people, you might want to request in advance for rooms to be near each other in the same block. This is because due to the size of the resort, it is quite far to walk even though there are buggies in each block to serve the guests.

Travelling out to the city is also a bit inconvenient as it is rather far out. I suggest you might want to contact a local car rental company and you can rent one mini van. If not, you have to take taxis if you want to go out to the city to food. Cost about M$20-30 (The current exchange rate is 2.45).

Food in the hotel is slighly on the high side and in my humble opinion not very delicious. Apart from breakfast, I only tried dinner once at the coffee shop.

You have also to bear in mind since the hotel is quite far away from town and it takes more than 1 hour to get to the airport, you might want to make ample time on the last day of your holiday to get to the airport.

As a regular goer to KK since 2000, I proposed the following resorts if you want to go to KK again:

1. The Magellan
2. Tanjong Aru

In fact, our family and our friends (19 adults and 13 kids) just came back two days ago. We went to Sellingan Island (1 year booking in advance) to see sea turtle lay eggs. The orang utan conservation park, the gomantang cave (to see the primitive cave and the natural state of the bird nests), the sepilok country park (to see the local short ear elephants). All these activties are at Sandakan. It was extremely enjoyable.

I am also happy to email you addresses of restaurants for seafood in KK city if you need.


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