
2007-08-05 1:34 am
e.g. How many days are there in one week?
There are seven days in one week.
1.How many eggs are there in one dozen?
2.How many years are there in one century?
3.How many players are there in a football team?
4.How many metres are there in one and a half kilometres?

回答 (4)

2007-08-05 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.How many eggs are there in one dozen?
There are twelve eggs in one dozen.
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2.How many years are there in one century?
There are one thousand years in one century.
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3.How many players are there in a football team?
There are eleven players including the goalkeeper (守門員) in a football team.
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4.How many metres are there in one and a half kilometres?
There are 1500 metres in one and a half kilometres.
P.S. In regard to (有關) the football team player, u can hyperlink the below ref in Wiki.
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2007-08-04 18:36:02 補充:
century (世紀) 原來只有一百年咋,夷家睇到樓上至知咋,haha~《一個世紀是一百年,通常是指連續的一百年。》-- 維基百科。千年其實係 A millennium is a period of time equal to one thousand years. -- by Wiki.第一位答題人士又快又準確! 揀佢啦~

2007-08-05 22:59:02 補充:
Hi 風之子,我知錯嘞! century一百年我會牢記啲嘞。多謝你不嫌棄,仍然揀我!
Hi Tear君,對不起喔! 但你打字勁快,思路又清晰。另,恕我多口,1500 metres實在為one thousand five hundred metres,單位已加了s,五百不用加s的。
2007-08-05 1:46 am
1.How many eggs are there in one dozen?
There are twelve eggs in one dozen.
2.How many years are there in one century?
There are one hundred years in one century.
3.How many players are there in a football team?
There are eleven players in a football team.
4.How many metres are there in one and a half kilometres?
There are one thousand and five hundred metres in one and a half
2007-08-05 1:43 am
1. there are 12 eggs in one dozen.
2. there are 100 years in one century.
3. there are 12 players in a football team.
4. there are 1500metres in one and a half kilometres.
2007-08-05 1:43 am
1.How many eggs are there in one dozen?
There are twelve eggs in one dozen.

2.How many years are there in one century?
There are one hundred years in one century.

3.How many players are there in a football team?
There are eleven players in a football team.

4.How many metres are there in one and a half kilometres?
There are one thousand five hundreds metres in one and a half kilometres.

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