
2007-08-05 1:31 am
1. In a party, each person shook hands with everyone else. If the total number of handshakes was 780, how many people were there in the party?

2. A flowerbed 36m wide and 45m long is surrounded by a pathway of uniform width. If the total area of the flowerbed and the pathway is 2332m^2, find the width of the pathway.

回答 (3)

2007-08-05 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Number of people:2 ; number of handshakes: 1 = 1(2)/2
Number of people:3 ; number of handshakes: 1 + 2 (The new comer shakes hands with the two people, each once) = 2(3) / 2

Similarly, we have:
Number of people:4 ; number of handshakes: 1 + 2 + 3 = 3(4)/2
Number of people:5 ; number of handshakes: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 =4(5)/2
Number of people:n ; number of handshakes: 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + (n - 1) =n(n - 1)/2

The number is given by the formula: n(n -1)/2:
Let n be the number of people in the party.
n(n-1)/2 = 780
n^2 - n - 1560 = 0
(n + 39)(n - 40) = 0
n = -39(rejected) or n=40

There were 40 people in the party.

Let xm be the width of the pathway.
(36 + 2x)(45 + 2x) = 2332
1620 + 72x + 90x + 4x^2 = 2332
4x^2 + 162x - 712 = 0
2x^2 + 81x - 356 = 0
(2x + 89)(x - 4) = 0
x = -89/2 (rejected) or x=4

The width of the pathway is 4m
2007-08-05 1:43 am
1. 780/3 = 260(people)

2. 45*36+x=2332
you must find out it yourself!
參考: me
2007-08-05 1:40 am
1.你話each person shook handS,即係每一個人揮兩隻手,因為有"s"

2. area of flowerbed= 36x45=1620m^2
area of pathway =2332-1620=712m^2
ans: width of pathway= 712開方=26.68m

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