
2007-08-05 12:56 am
如果我考完會考就去美國讀書,讀完大學先返香港.如果我係usa讀完degree返黎,想係香港o既大學再讀碩士同博士,咁即係我冇考a level啦,咁香港會唔會有大學收我?同埋會唔會睇返我會考成績?請詳細回答,麻煩晒!

如果我真係去美國讀書, 咁我幾時去係最好呢?中5,中6or中7?

回答 (1)

2007-08-05 5:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. ......香港會唔會有大學收我?
You will fulfil the academic admission requirements for master's or doctoral degree programmes in a university in Hong Kong if you possess a US bachelor's degree at that time.

2. ......同埋會唔會睇返我會考成績?
No. No one will look at your HKCEE results by that time. The basic admission requirement to a postgraduate level programme in Hong Kong is the completion of a bachelor's degree programme. The admission committee will look at your results during your undergraduate (bachelor's degree level) study, though.

3. ......咁我幾時去係最好呢?
If you go after the completion of Form 5, you need to attend one year (12th grade) of high school (secondary school) before you can go to a university in the US. If you go after Form Lower 6, you can enter a university in the US directly. If you go after Form 7, you can enter a US university with advanced standing, meaning that you can claim university level credits for each A-level subject that you complete in the HKALE. A Form 7 graduate from Hong Kong can usually complete his/her bachelor's degree requirements in an American university in 3 years or less.

Personally, I think it is best to go after the completion of Form Lower 6. First, as a general rule, high schools in the US are not any better than those in Hong Kong (could be worse a lot of time!). Second, you can avoid the intense pressure from preparing for the HKALE if you stay till the end of Form 7. Third, you can enjoy the complete/full 4-years of university study in the US if you go after Form 6 (instead of having a shortened university life of 3 years or less if you go after Form 7).

In order to go study in the US after Form 6, one should start collecting information after the HKCEE. Start taking the TOEFL and/or the SAT during the early phase of the Form 6 academic year; also submit application materials to US universities of your choice at that time. Offers of admission will usually be received during the middle phase of the academic year.

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