
2007-08-04 8:45 pm

回答 (5)

2007-08-04 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Today is her holiday~ (今天是她的假期)
But She will come on Monday (但她星期一會返)
Do you leave a message to her ?? (你需要留下口信給她嗎??)
2007-08-05 6:53 pm
I think there's no point explaining to your client why your colleague is not in the office, also there is no such term meaning 短周 in english anyway.

I would simply say:
*She is not in today.*,
She will be back next Monday.
Would you like to leave a message? or Can I take a message?
Can I ask who's calling?

If you really want to explain:
*She is only in every second Saturday, and it happens to be her day off today.*
參考: myself
2007-08-04 10:33 pm
其實你個同事幾時係長周定短周對個客來講係冇特別意義... 佢地都唔會記住吧... 所以我想只要告訴他們... 她今天放假便可了...

so you can say

She is day off today. Who's calling?
Could you like to leave a message?
Will let her know and call you back when she back.
參考: myself
There is no such term as" Short weekend"!!

I think in Chinese it means short week, because you only work 5 days, but if there is a 6 days week, it's longer......

but there is no specific term for that.

I think you can just tell the customer,

Today is her day off, or simply say, She is not here today, can I take your message?

2007-08-04 13:10:56 補充:
You can tell the customer, She only work every other Saturday, today is her day off but she will be back on Monday, do you want to leave a message?/Can I take your message?
參考: ME
2007-08-04 8:54 pm
Sorry! (Sir or Madam.) She is not here, this week is short weekend.

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