investment 投資 help

2007-08-04 7:13 pm
first, i am a student in australia,i am a totally idiot on finance investment
i ll go 2 France 2 live after i study here, i ll stay here about 3 years more. i wanna save up some money so that i can use in france. But put my money into my bank account, thats useless. ( 6.2%p.a in australian bank) well, my plan is, i ll save up about AU$500~700 per month.What is the best investment for me in my situation? P.S.i get $$ from parent in hong kong

回答 (3)

2007-08-06 8:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Depends on the risk you're willing to take in order to get potentially higher return (there's no guarantee on your captial). If you are a risk taker and would like to try investing in mutual funds, our investment fund could be a good choice for you. please have a look at our website and see info on wealth management. If you need more info, please drop me a mail at [email protected]
Teresa, Manulife
2007-08-06 4:19 pm
stock market may earn you more but don't forget you need to pay capital gain tax on the money you earn from the stock market or fund( at least 15% )
參考: live in aus
2007-08-04 11:56 pm
6.2% is actually not a bad rate in bank deposit.
Stock market can offer more than that but you may also lose all yr $.
Mutual funds can also offer high return in a longer time.
[email protected]

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