請問 RMIT & University of London

2007-08-04 7:04 pm
請問HKMA--RMIT (Degree of Econ & Finance)及HKU Space-- London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, UK (BSc Accounting and Finance)相比邊個好同認受性高

回答 (2)

2007-08-04 11:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
of course U of London. It is very famous in the world, including HK.

2007-08-04 19:18:29 補充:
yes, there will be wordings like 'external program' on the cert. But programs from University of London has long history in hong kong and the standards of external programs are well recognized as the same as local programs in UK.
2007-08-04 11:53 pm
雖然U of London呢個programme會寫明external(有可能減低認受性), 不過佢係出名0的, 而且有hon (冇hon通常好難升master)~
有hon 0既認受性會好0的~

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