
2007-08-04 9:06 am
男 age 26 西餐廳經理 要穿西裝
有人說 飲食行業最好就不要使用香水
請問大家意見.......用不用? 用...那一種香水?

其實我點解問 原因是 我發覺外國人通常都有香水味的 well....個人黎講 可能我like 所以又唔會有抗拒 嗯...就算唔用香水 洗頭水 or 沐浴露都會有陣味 有時都會聞到的

回答 (3)

2007-08-04 5:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實好depends. 如果你有體味的話, I would say YES.
通常男仔都會用小小 Aftershave / eau de parfum. 千萬不要用古龍水, cause it is too strong.
I think your company will have grooming standard to state the requirement. Normally they will state 不可用濃味古龍水,但可用香體露.
Personally, I think the most important thing is your uniform MUST be clean and stainless. 千其唔好袖口有黑邊及 " up" 味 (因為放係 locker 唔洗)
2007-08-04 9:32 am
2007-08-04 9:11 am
Dont use it would be better
becoz it will affect the customers' taste and smell...
how they feel
if you really wanna use,
i suggest you use very little on your neck or back

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