glucose soluble 唔 soluble in water ?

2007-08-04 6:29 am
我想知道 glucose sol 5 soluble in water~


回答 (3)

2007-08-04 6:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
glucose 絕對 soluble in water

除左glucose ~其他simple sugars都 soluble in water架。

2007-08-03 22:55:23 補充:
除左glucose之外~~其他simple sugar 大部分都 soluble in water

2007-08-03 23:02:14 補充:
但係 glucose , fructose, galactose, maltose and lactose係reducing sugar而都係simple sugar 既sucrose 就唔係 reducing sugar喇~monosaccharides, disaccharides 呢d都係simple sugar黎架但係polysaccharides就唔溶於水咯(其實要soluble in water既carbohydrates先會叫sugar既)
2007-08-07 3:01 am
It is soluble in water, because it is a kind of monosacaride- the simplest form of carbohydrates
Besides, If glucose is not soluble in water, it will not appear in blood vessel... The the term blood glucose will not appear too.
血糖=blood glucose
參考: myself
2007-08-04 9:11 pm
glucose is monosaccharide
it is soluble in water
參考: bio bk

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