All ions are compound?

2007-08-04 4:03 am
All ions are compoound?for example Hydrogencarbonate ion is a compound or element?if it is a compound ,what is it consist of? Thank you for answering my question.

回答 (2)

2007-08-04 5:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
ions cannot exist in the side of only one charge

唔會淨係得一粒ions 既存在架,所有ions 都係 in compound form架

唔係all ions are compound ~只不過係 ions唔會獨立存在

一定會有同佢相反charge既ions同佢一齊架,即係ionic compound係

metal + non - metal form出黎既 compound,一定係一粒正,一粒負

or兩粒正3粒負咁~ 你見到學校lab果d,個樽寫住 Pb 2+

Cu 2+ 呀~果d~ 唔係得正ions架~佢係一個ionic compound 既

aqueous form ~ 如果你想問Hydrogencarbonate ion既話

所有同佢form 到 compound既 ions 都可以係個ionic compound既成份

例如 sodium Hydrogencarbonate , potassium Hydrogencarbonate

呢d~ 記住 ions唔會獨立存在~一定會有相反既charge架

樽樽(reagent bottle)入面果d solution

都係salt solution黎既~唔係得果隻ions架~
參考: 自己
2007-08-06 7:37 am
In the case of hydrogencarbontate, we said that it is a polyatomic ion. It means that the ion consist of more than one atom. It is not a compound or an element.

It is a polyatomic ion containing hydrogen, carbon and oxygen atoms, with a charge of minus one.

By the way, not all ions are compound. Some ions can exist without the counter ions. ie. sometimes, only cation exists but not anions and vice versa. However, we consider this when we study physics.

In chemistry, ions exist in pairs. Cations and Anions! such that it is neutral overall.

參考: ME

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