✔ 最佳答案
ions cannot exist in the side of only one charge
唔會淨係得一粒ions 既存在架,所有ions 都係 in compound form架
唔係all ions are compound ~只不過係 ions唔會獨立存在
一定會有同佢相反charge既ions同佢一齊架,即係ionic compound係
metal + non - metal form出黎既 compound,一定係一粒正,一粒負
or兩粒正3粒負咁~ 你見到學校lab果d,個樽寫住 Pb 2+
Cu 2+ 呀~果d~ 唔係得正ions架~佢係一個ionic compound 既
aqueous form ~ 如果你想問Hydrogencarbonate ion既話
所有同佢form 到 compound既 ions 都可以係個ionic compound既成份
例如 sodium Hydrogencarbonate , potassium Hydrogencarbonate
呢d~ 記住 ions唔會獨立存在~一定會有相反既charge架
樽樽(reagent bottle)入面果d solution
都係salt solution黎既~唔係得果隻ions架~