2007-08-04 1:52 am
1. 想問AS&AL是什麼來的?
2. 點選as&al和點上堂法?

回答 (2)

2007-08-04 2:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. AL=高級程度科目, AS=高級補充程度科目.
就學習程度而言, AS和AL有些是overlap. 不過, AL比AS學多大約30%-50%. 例如AL Econ要學微觀和宏觀經濟學, 但AS Econ只係要學微觀經濟學. 考試時間方面, 多數AL科目會比AS科目多三小時, AS只在上午考3小時. AL就要上午和下午各考3小時.
計分方面, 因為AL學野比AS多, 所以AL計分比重會比AS重, 大約多40%-50%分數. 例如AL: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1, F=0. AS: A=2.5/3 B=2/2.4 C=1.5/1.8 D=1/1.2 E=0.5/0.6 F=0 理大會將AS乘0.6, 但如果報語文科課程, 該系會將中化及UE乘1. 港大文學院將通識科比重乘0.6.
大學入學基本要求要中國語文及文化(AS)+英語運用(AS)+最少兩科AL合格, 有些學科會有特別入學要求. 例如指定要甚麼科目合格, 或指定要最少修三科AL. 詳情可看 .
一般而言, 多數學生修中國語文及文化(AS)+英語運用(AS)+兩科AL+1AS, 或中國語文及文化(AS)+英語運用(AS)+兩科AL. 程度較好會修中國語文及文化(AS)+英語運用(AS)+3科AL, 或中國語文及文化(AS)+英語運用(AS)+3科AL+1科AS.
2. 視乎興趣、能力和大學可選擇的科目. 如果想讀工程, 預科要修Pure Maths/Applied Maths/Physics. 堂數編排要視乎學校, 但AS學既野比AL少, 所以每科AS每星期上堂堂數比每科AL少.
2007-08-04 2:12 am
1. AS = Advanced Subsidiary Level
AL = Advanced Level
AS provide courses for Lower Sixth Student(中六學生)
AL provide courses for Upper Sixth Student (中七學生)

2. Are you going to go to somewhere else to continue ur education?
E.g. normally, if u are going to study in the uk......most asian will talk 3 subjects in both AS and AL......but anyway...(if u want to..u can take 4 subjects in AS)<--for this, u just need to work extra will be quite difficult to get on with ur other subjucts....

上堂法: actually, in both levels.....上堂法are very similar.....u just have to walk to different classrooms for different lesson...there will be 5 mins for u to walk....

hope this will help u a bit...^^
參考: myself...(I've been studying in UK for 5 yrs)

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