
2007-08-04 1:15 am
(A) eg Mr. Dietrich,Brian Aherne 中first/middle/last分別是那個?
據我所知,middle name不一定有的
那麼以Spiderman中的角色Peter Parker為例:
Peter為first name(名)
Parker為last name(姓)

回答 (4)

2007-08-04 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
My name is BOND, James BOND.
BOND 是姓,James 是名。上面的是口語,下列是文字式
Mr. James BOND (Biography傳記方式) or
Mr. BOND, James (Bibliography書目方式)
注意是官方(HK Immigration)用全大寫來表示姓。大小併列做名。
如果用 Mr. James Bond 時便容易混亂。
你的例子是對的。但採用 Mr. Peter PARKER便滿分。
參考: common sense only
2007-08-04 10:26 am
If you don't mind I use English!! lol

Well I can actually tell you first name is the actual name that they will have when they born and of coruse last name is just because of their family but middle name is just like nake name but maybe people would like their middle to be in their passbord as well!And first name is like their parenst HAVE to register the first name even when thier child got older they still have to use it but if the middel name that had register on their passbord they can use it just like the bank,exam.....

But nake name like Joy or something like that,that have not register on the passbord they can't be use on the bank or any bissness ok?
參考: I live in UK
2007-08-04 2:00 am
你冇錯,Peter為first name(名),Parker為last name(姓),佢仲有個middle name
全名係 Peter Benjamin Parker.
不過都有好多人冇middle name

碧咸就叫做David Robert Joseph Beckham
First Name: David
Middle Name: Robert Joseph
Last Name: Beckham
點解甘長?因為外國人喜歡把長輩個first name 或者middle name保留比自己,變成middle name, 所以佢個名咪長喇. Beckham個大仔同細仔嘅名都係甘
Brooklyn Joseph Beckham
Romeo James Beckham
Cruz David Beckham

至於係咪一定用 Mr. Last name 稱呼一個人就未必:

Mr. Last name

Mr. First name

再親切d,死黨, 當然可以唔用Mr,而直接稱呼:
First name

2007-08-03 18:28:10 補充:
2007-08-04 1:24 am

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