
2007-08-03 9:37 pm

回答 (2)

2007-08-03 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
my school's english course is also taught by foreign teachers, but not 壹個學生對壹個洋人老師那種.
But anyway, the course can surely enhance your listening, speaking, as well as vocabulary, writing.

you're welcome to add me: [email protected]
and I can send the course details to you and see if it can help you.

see you.

all the best.
2007-08-04 12:01 am
我係中七女畢業生, 升港大, 會考25分, 住大埔, 會考及alevel oral a, 常與外國朋友溝通, 現幫3個中5生補eng, 上堂有notes,exercise, 會練oral,listening, 針對番學生弱項去教, 費用約110-150/hr, 每次最少兩小時, 如有意補習可聯絡我 msn/email: [email protected]

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