重新命名~~ 10分

2007-08-03 4:08 pm
本人有很多圖片, 想將佢地順no. 改名 即係改到 (1,2,3) 呢d no.
有冇d 咩方法可以快d 將佢地編好名~~ thx

回答 (3)

2007-08-03 5:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
係有既,叫 rename it 網上好易搵到
2007-08-03 5:56 pm
There are tons of software that can help you do that, but you can also do it in Windows without downloading any software.

1. Click Start and then click My Pictures.

2. Open a folder of digital photo files whose names you want to change.

3. Click Edit and then click Select All (or simply select those you want to rename.)

4. Right click on the first digital photo file in the list and then click Rename.

5.The name of the first digital photo file is highlighted and ready to be edited.

6.Type the name you want to use to identify all the digital photo files in the folder. (e.g. picture). Be sure to type the file extension after the file name (e.g. .jpg).
Therefore, you need to rename the first picture to " picture.jpg " in this case.

7.Press Enter on your keyboard.

Then all the digital photo files in the folder are renamed to your choice of name with a number at the end.

The result will look like this:
picture (1).jpg
picture (2).jpg
picture (3).jpg

The drawback of this method is the space and " ( ) " in the filename, which are not very web-friendly.
2007-08-03 4:11 pm

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