Urgent!!! Should I buy a new LCD TV now(2nd-8AUG-2007)?20pts
I use my TV mainly for watching TV and DVD
My TV has broken down...........
I am planing to buy Sharp LC-37PX5H
Is this LCD TV good? Or those of Toshiba will be better?
However, I see some post from forums telling me that I should not buy TV now, and I should wait.............
Should I buy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or wait?
If You suggest I buy........Please tell me that is Sharp LC-37PX5H fine.
And also suggest me other TV if you think that they are good.
回答 (3)
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Sharp is better since more durable.
you should not wait since the price would not change for the coming 3 months.
How can a family live withou a TV, so don't Wait , Sharp and Toshiba is very good, don"t try any other
LCD電視較去年同期勁升65%六成 Plasma逆市跌4% 或降價迎戰
LCD電視出貨量升六成 Plasma逆市跌4% 或降價迎戰
(明報) 08月 07日 星期二 05:05AM
電子科技業內的《Display Search》公布今年4至6月LCD和Plasma顯示板的出貨情,結果顯示LCD電視在第二季,共錄得1960萬個,較去年同期勁升65%,較預期多70萬個,收入較去年同期增39%至72億美元 ,在40吋電視項目中,出貨量首次較Plasma多出兩倍,相信是因為多了更大及更高質素的LCD於網上出售,而LCD電視品牌亦能成功滿足顧客。
參考: 明報專訊
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