1.唔算,but 能用反轉效果. e.g. Nightmare Penguin and Man-eater bug.
2.A card with yellow colour surrounding e.g. blue-eyes white dragon
and gemini monsters while first summoned.(only)
3. 80 cards, but 40-50cards recommended for each deck.
4. You cannot.(Unless specified).
2007-08-03 13:24:28 補充:
P.S. 2. That means (like the previous one said) non-effect monsters except gemini monsters (when) first summoned.
2007-08-03 13:27:05 補充:
1. Some monsters like Guardian Sphinx(Only when flip (summoned), return all monsterson your opponent's field) cannot activate its effect(from situation1).
2007-08-03 15:49:32 補充:
http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Flip_Summon.A monster flipped face-up by a card effect, such as Book of Taiyou or Stop Defense, or as a result of battle is not considered a Flip Summon. Only Flipping a Set monster Manually, is considered a Flip Summon.
2007-08-03 15:51:18 補充:
http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Normal_MonstersNormal Monster Cards, colored yellow, are used to protect your Life Points from Direct Damage. They possess basic stats (ATK, DEF, Level, Attribute, and Sub-Type) and have no effects.
2007-08-03 15:54:44 補充:
反轉效果 for flip effects or Pseudo-Flip Effects